Thursday, August 16, 2012
I'm starting to like you
As I walked down the hall, there blocking my path was Greg who was almost 4 years old. He was playing with his action figures and didn't seem to notice me as I stepped over him and walked by. Then he said, "Dad, you know what!" I answered, "what." He said, "I'm starting to like you!"
Sunday, August 12, 2012
When Warren Jon was preparing to receive the Aaronic priesthood we were both asked to give a talk at the Priesthood Preview for the Stake. My topic was “How I prepared my son to receive the Priesthood.” I worked hard to prepare that talk, but not matter what I prepared, it just didn’t seem right. So as I was dressing for the meeting I knelt by my bed and said a prayer for help and inspiration. When I finished... standing beside me was our 9 year old Spencer. He asked what was I doing and I explained about the talk and that I was praying for Heavenly Father to help me. So since he was right there I felt inspired to ask him what he knew about the priesthood. He proceeded to tell me about what the priesthood was and how important it is and what an honor it is to hold it. I was impressed that a 9 year-old knew so much, so I asked him where he had learned all that. He answered, “From Mom!” now this really deflated me, her I was supposed to give a talk on how I prepared my sons for the priesthood and everything they knew was taught to them by their Mother. Feeling pretty down I went upstairs to talk to Joyce who as usual was at the sink doing dishes. I explained why I was depressed and she tried to console me by telling me I had taught the boys a lot by my example. She said they had watched me as I magnified my priesthood by administering to the sick, and fulfilling my other responsibilities. By watching me they learned and therefore I was preparing them. Now normally I wouldn’t have bought this, but I only had 20 minutes until the meeting started and at this point I could use any encouragement. So I went back down stairs to finish dressing and there was Spencer again. I thought I should take this opportunity to test Joyce’s theory. So I asked him, “Spencer what have you learned from me by just watching me.” He thought for a second and then with a smile replied, “How to spit!” Not the answer I expected but it sure made a great talk.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Heavenly Father's Day
Years ago I decided I would enter a golf tournament, but there was a slight problem...It was a two-day tournament and that meant playing on Sunday which I didn't do. But I rationalized and told myself if I played badly Saturday I would withdraw and wouldn't play on Sunday. As luck would have I played great and was in second place with a great chance to win on Sunday. I arrived home excited about the chance to win the next day. Unfortunately Joyce didn't have the same enthusiasm I did. I told her I was going to head to the driving range to practice for tomorrow. Her only comment was take Warren with you. Well Warren was 3 1/2 years old and I didn't see a problem with that, I just brought a little golf club for him to hit some balls. And everything went great, I practiced and little Warren pounded golf balls with his little club. On the way home he said, "Dad that was fun can we do that again?" I said sure we can do that again. He replied, "Can we go tomorrow?" I said, "We can't play golf tomorrow because it's Sunday." Warren then asked, "Why can't we play on Sunday?" I replied, "That is Heavenly Father's Day." Warren thought for a second and then asked, "Only Heavenly Father can golf on Sunday? I then had to explain to him about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Needless to say I didn't play golf the next or ever again on Sunday
Saturday, August 4, 2012
She's Hott!
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