Yesterday it was slow at work, I was the only one there and the phone wasn't ringing. So I decided to watch the video Mindy made for me for my birthday.
Homely: The Movie from Mindy Haws on Vimeo.
My first thought after watching pictures of me from a baby until now was, "Why did they wait until I was 16 to start calling me Homely."
But the most important thing I realized is what a great lady my wife is and how much I love her.
I wanted to tell her right then, but I didn't want to wake her if she was taking a nap so I sent her a text...
I Love You!
Just a few seconds later I got a text from her and I was sure it would say "I love you too." So I opened it up and read....
I guess after being married to me for 41 years she has every right to be suspicious. I have been known to mess up and she was just waiting for me to explain what I was guilty of. All I could respond was...
I Just Do!
And then I got almost the answer I was looking for
OK. Right back at you!
Not the most romantic moment in our lives, but I'll take it.