Our adventure to Buffalo started out pretty good. We achieved our first goal which was to get to the Riggs compound without getting stuck in Salt Lake City's 5 o'clock traffic. And upon arriving at the Riggs as always our first item of business is to look for food. Warren and I volunteered to go bring back sandwiches from the Italian Place.

After our great dinner we headed to the Salt Lake City to stay at a motel near the airport. We got up the next morning at 4:30 a.m. and headed to the airport. We just had a little trouble at the airport security. As we retrieved our stuff from the scanner tubsWarren discovered his wallet was missing. He checked everywhere and had the security officers reviewing security film to see who the low life was that stole the wallet. Well after about 15 minutes of searching I reached into my pocket to get some gum and what should I find but the missing wallet. How it got in my pocket I can't know because our stuff was in separate tubs. I apologized the Security Staff and he said he wouldn't arrest me this time for stealing and let me off with a warning. But after that the rest of the day went well. We got into Buffalo just a few minutes late and Brianna and Morgan picked us up. But Morgan's reaction to me was much like my experience with blind dates.

But with the help of a "Tootsie Pop" and a "Mighty Taco" she started to like me. And we had a great dinner at Warren's favorite Buffalo eating establishment "Mighty Taco".
After dinner we went to their home and unpacked and later celebrated the New Year. Of course wasn't even 8:00 p.m. yet but it is the thought that counts.
The next morning we just lounged and watched as the lake effect snow storm decorated Buffalo. Up until we arrived the Buffalo area has set a record for lack of snow but Wo and I took care of that.
Wo practiced shoveling because on Saturday he was planning on helping the 100's of people who would help shovel the snow at the Bills stadium. Of course he wasn't going to take the $10 an hour pay because it would put him in a higher tax bracket.
But on the way to the stadium on Saturday morning with his shovel in the back seat he quickly changed his mind about shoveling snow when Spencer picked up donuts.
Spencer took us to the Bills walk-thru practice. I wasn't allowed to take any pictures at the practice. I didn't know if that meant I couldn't take picture of the practice or the players girlfriends that were there to watch. But I decided to error on the side of not getting thumped by a 400 lb football player or his 300 lb girlfriend.
Then it was off to the Buffalo Sabre Hockey game.
I only put the second picture of me and Wo in because Morgan and Brianna are just to our right.
To prepare for the the next day's Bills game Spencer got us some cold weather stuff which took me awhile to get used too.
But Sunday morning Wo and I took off for the Bills Game.
And we met up with Spencer about an hour before kickoff.
When we got home Mo got to play with her favorite play toy...Dad!
We had a great time and loved spending time with Spencer, Brianna and Morgan.
The trip home was long but uneventful. Except I think Wo was a little embarrassed to sit by me. Because I ran out of room in the suitcases so I had to wear all my new hats.
and of course