I know none of my grandchildren know who Greg was named after and probably don't care. Even my children never got to know my little brother Greg because he passed away when Mindy was a baby.
He was a fun brother and he always was looking to see how things worked. So it wouldn't be too long after he got a toy that he would take it apart. I don't know if it was to see how it worked or to keep me from playing with it.
There are hundred's of pictures of the two of us together, but as much as I looked I couldn't find one where I was cuter than him.
When our parents divorced when I was 5 and Greg was 2 we didn't lack for love and attention because we had Grandpa and Grandma Fisher.
Greg and I were pretty spoiled by Grandpa Fisher and life was pretty good and then came Debbie (bottom right in the picture) and things only got better.
I drove from California to Idaho Falls for his wedding and then 3 years later he drove Mom and Lori and me to my wedding in Winters California.
Greg with two of the loves of his life (His Daughter Brooke on his lap and our brother Kent)
Iris' Boys
We love you little Brother
(I'm sorry I didn't have a recent picture of our sister Lori)