Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's not because of you Grandpa!

Our 6 year-old grand daughter Kenna was having a tough first week as first grader. So I thought I would invite her to go with me to help her Grandmother take tickets at Sandcreek Junior High's girls volleyball game. She was excited to go help Grandma and so off we went. After the volleyball game we decided to go to McDonald's to get something to eat. Grandma asked Kenna who she wanted to ride with, Grandma in her van or with Grandpa. When she said, "Grandpa" I was shocked because she is a 100% Grandma's girl.   So just before we got to McDonald's I said, "thank you Kenna for choosing to ride with Grandpa. She quickly replied, "It's not because of you Grandpa, it was the car."